Equity Readiness Workshop
Live virtual workshops held 1-2x per year for individuals or teams.
Receive a notification for the next Equity Readiness workshop HERE.
Organizations all over the country have been making commitments to improve their organization’s equity, diversity, belonging, justice, and inclusion framework. Some successfully achieved aspects of their commitment, others have encountered roadblocks they did not foresee, and some have just plain stopped their process due to numerous challenges or obstacles during the implementation process. This practice has found that many lack the leadership fundamentals, strategies, and tools to integrate this work into their organizational culture successfully. What is important to consider is that one cannot just slip into equity work. The organization should recognize its history, define its why’s for this work and acknowledge the journey ahead will take time.
Equity work with your selected acronyms (EDI, DEI, RJEDI, IDEA, etc.) is much more than writing a statement, creating beautiful core values, and participating in a few training courses. Equity work can feel like an abstract painting for everyone to figure out their own interpretation. For real change to happen, leaders must commit to understanding their own personal readiness in leading, participating, and affecting change in this work. This is a thoughtful journey that demands time, patience, diligence, and self-work.
Through a series of on-demand, pre-work videos, and a live virtual workshop, participants will be able to:
- Develop opportunities for personal growth and learning specific to participants’ own lived experiences.
- Develop clarity around how your selected equity acronyms can positively influence and impact everyone’s lives.
- Define where their organization is in its equity lifecycle and readiness upon completion of the Equity Readiness Organizational Capacity Assessment
- Understand how 3’s (Culture- Change Management- Cocreation) play a critical role in equity practice in the way we work in teams and within the workplace
- Gain a better understanding of how they personally and confidently can lead their organization through its equity practices and strategy.
Pre-Work (1 hour): On-demand videos as pre-work completed to attend live workshop to give you a basis of what will be covered. These will be sent to you a week in advance of the workshop.
Virtual Workshop: This nearly all-day workshop will delve into your personal and organizational EDI readiness and determine what your journey looks like from here.
Who Should Attend:
Individuals, departments, and teams from nonprofit organizations.
- NEW! Teams of 3 or more attending the entire workshop and are located within Arizona will have the opportunity to receive a minimum 4 hours of personalized consulting for their organization after the workshop.
- If registering as an individual, please note that there will be group activities; we empower you to be vulnerable and share as much as you are willing to within your group.
- When attending as a group, the CEO/Executive Director is highly encouraged to attend; if a nonprofit organization’s CEO/Executive Director is attending, inviting other individuals from the organization may include Program Director, Human Resources, EDI Manager, Board Governance Chair, Other Board Members, etc.
- If your organization does not have a CEO/ED, then the Board Chair is highly encouraged to attend.
- This session is open to all nonprofit professionals and organizations, regardless of where they are at in their equity journey. Please join us even if you are providing equity programming or are currently working with an EDI consultant.
To Register for Program:
This program is not available as an on-demand format and is held live. Click here to access the events calendar and locate the upcoming session, or click here to access the interest form and be contacted when the next sessions is available for registration.
Program Support: Support of the Equity Readiness Workshop is provided by Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust.
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